
Ethereum: cuDaminer installation error on Mac OS X

I am writing to help you overcome a frustrating error when trying to install cuDaminer, the popular GPU mining software for Ethereum. After following the tutorial provided in Option #2 of the link, you have reached step #25 and encountered an installation error: “malloc.h: No such file or directory”. This error is likely due to missing dependencies, which can be resolved by following these steps.

Step-by-step solution

brew update

  • Install the required dependencies:

brew install libm


  • Verify the installation: After installation, verify that cuDaminer is installed correctly by running:

cd /Applications/cudaminor/

ls -la

The ls command should display a list of files and directories.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

Ethereum: Cudaminer On Mac OS X installation error:

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, try the following:

sysctl -w machdep.cpu.num=8

Increase CPU number

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about your setup (e.g. system configuration, GPU model) and I will be happy to assist you further.

Example Use Case

Here is an example command that demonstrates how to install cuDaminer on Mac OS X:

brew install --cask cudaminor

This command installs the Cuda Miner application from Homebrew using the --cask flag, which allows for system-wide installation as a package.

Please let me know if you need any further help.

(Note: The instructions provided above are based on my limited knowledge as of 2023. Please make sure you have the latest version of cuDaminer and all necessary updates before attempting to run the commands.)

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